
Landscape photos
Landscape photos

landscape photos

The photo above uses the rule of thirds and the horizon is straight. Note, however, that if you decide to shoot with your camera tilted, make sure that your intentions are obvious if your landscape is only slightly askew, it’s going to look like a mistake, rather than intentional. If you’re feeling adventurous, you could even climb a tree to capture an image that others are not likely to have. When shooting landscape photos, to add some uniqueness, consider tilting your camera, or shoot from a sitting position. When composing any photo – landscapes included – shooting from a different angle can give an entirely new feeling to an image.

landscape photos

Likewise, capturing landscape photos during a sunrise or sunset will produce images far different than those captured at night. Shooting on a rainy or cloudy day will have significantly different results than shooting on a bright sunny day. The two images above illustrate how using different lighting within a landscape photo can add a great deal of interest. By combining two different types of photography – in this case, landscape and animal – the photographer has added interest to the photo. The photo above may not be considered a landscape photo in the most technical of terms, as the main focal point is an alpaca, but it does, nonetheless, make this list of excellent landscape photos. On the other hand, there are photographers who will argue that if an image contains other elements or subjects, be it people, animals, buildings, or even the ocean, it’s not technically a landscape photo. Some photographers believe that any photo that includes a countryside, seaside, cityscape, or, well, any land, is good enough to call a landscape photo. What is landscape photography, exactly? The answer depends on who you talk to. Here are 15 great landscape photos with a brief explanation on what makes them stand above the rest. Subtle changes to the lighting, for example, can significantly alter the way a landscape photo looks, or shooting from a different angle can turn an average-looking landscape photo into something that is quirky, original, and extremely artistic. There are several techniques you can apply to your landscape photography in order to capture breathtaking images that stand miles above the rest.

Landscape photos